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Are you familiar with the beetle species? If so, you may know some species of the beetle meet criteria that be classified as a pantry pest. This insect classification includes all pest species that feed on food products stored in pantries, cupboards, and kitchen cabinets. The beetle species – Indian meal moth, cigarette “tobacco” beetle, and saw-toothed grain beetle – are pantry pests, also known as stored product pests.
Pantry Pest Diet
As previously mentioned, the pantry pest feeds on food stored in pantries. There is not much, the pantry pest will not eat. Even though it is not edible, the pantry pest will not turn it down. For example, the cigarette beetle or tobacco beetle feeds on tobacco products. The insect feeds on smoking and non-smoking tobacco.
The pantry pest diet consists of crackers, cookies, potato chips, candies, flour, cornmeal, dry pet food, cornstarch, nuts, dried fruit, powdered milk, uncooked pasta, and dried cereal.
Why Are Pantry Pests In My Cupboards?
First, you should know, your housekeeping techniques have nothing to do with you have pantry pests living in your cupboards. Pantry pests target all homes, regardless of cleanliness or dirtiness.
The pantry pest enters homes through small exterior-to-interior openings. Gaps between a threshold and the bottom of a door, between a concrete wall and a vent, and between a garage door rubber seal and garage floor. These are just a few examples.
A Brief Description Of The Indian Meal Moth
The Indian meal moth “Plodia interpunctella” is a beetle species, with multi-colored wings. The insect’s head is dark red, sprinkled with black markings. The hindwings are copper while the forewings are dark red, with black markings. The forewings hang down to the ground.
Adult Indian meal moths do not feed on pantry food. Only the larvae ingest pantry food. The larvae create cocoons to protect themselves until adulthood. The adult grows up to 0.75 inches (3/4 of an inch) in length.
A Brief Description Of the Saw-Toothed Grain Beetle
The saw-toothed grain beetle “Oryzaephilus surinamensis” is a beetle species, with projections that protrude the right and left sides of the thorax. The adult grows as long as one-tenth of an inch. The insect has a head, thorax, and abdomen like most other insect species.
The adult saw-toothed grain beetle, as well as the larvae, feed on pantry food. They can be found feasting on just about any non-perishable food. They are even known to eat birdseed and rat bait.
A Brief Description Of The Cigarette Beetle “Tobacco Beetle”
The cigarette beetle “Lasioderma serricorne” features a back with a hump. The adult grows up to one-eighth of an inch in length. The body varies between dark brown and reddish/brown, with a thin layer of fur.
The cigarette beetle feeds on non-smoking and smoking tobacco. The insect will eat chewing tobacco, cigarette tobacco, and cigar tobacco. It is also known to eat herbs like paprika and garlic powder.
Do Pantry Pests Carry Diseases?
Pantry pests do not have diseases. However, they may spread contaminants to food and water. For example, the pantry pest picks up contaminants on its bodies. When the insect invades your pantry, the contaminants will end up on the surface and potentially in the food. This is why it is crucial to dispose of compromised pantry food products.
How To Prevent Pantry Pest From Invading Your Home?
- Seal all potential access points with foam insulation or caulk
- Develop a pantry cleaning regimen
- Dispose of compromised food
- Store non-perishable food in resealable containers
How To Eradicate Pantry Pests Safely?
Once the pantry pests have invaded your home, it will be up to you to get rid of them. As long as the insects have access to pantry food, they will refuse to leave. You can start by doing the following:
- Utilize an over-the-counter pest control product, such as pesticide
- Thoroughly vacuum the pantry to remove all adults, larvae, and eggs
- Thoroughly clean the pantry with soap and water
When Will The Pest Control Technician Arrive?
Our customer support will dispatch a qualified pest control technician to your home no later than 48 hours of the initial request.
Should I Be Concerned About Utilizing Pesticides In My Home?
It is not uncommon for people to be concerned about utilizing a product, with a reputation of causing harm. Pesticides contain chemicals that when applied recklessly can harm the environment. To avoid unnecessary chemical pesticide exposure, we suggest hiring our licensed pest control company. We utilize eco-friendly and traditional pest control products to eradicate pantry pests once and for all.
If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.