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Almost everyone can identify the ladybug. The insect’s tiny body, covered by a thin red, black polka-dotted shell is easily identifiable. The segmented head is a mixture of black and white colors. The nymph ladybug‘s body is elongated, whereas the adult is more roundish. The nymph is black, with orange markings while the exoskeleton is bumpy. While most people can identify the ladybug, they are not aware of what the pest’s exoskeleton is made of. Like the human fingernail and toenail, the ladybug exoskeleton is made of chitin, a durable protein.
The ladybug has three sets of legs. Each leg has a tarsus, tibia, femur, and tarsal claw. The insect has two tiny antennae, with sensing capabilities. The insect’s coloration ranges between dark red, orange, and dark yellow.
There are around 5,000 ladybug species worldwide. Of the nearly 5,000 ladybug species, about 450 can be found throughout North America. The ladybug nymph is about .05 inches in length. The adult ranges between 0.5 and 1/32 inches.
Having ladybugs around your home can be both advantageous and disadvantageous. The ladybug species are known to feed on several insect species linked to the destruction of several plant species. The ladybug diet consists of mealybugs, aphids, and scale insects. The insect is also known to feed on mites. The disadvantage of having ladybugs is the risk of an infestation. While ladybugs have not been linked to structural damage, they can be very messy. Thanks to the insect’s pyridine-based secretion, they can leave stains on upholstery, wall paint, wood finishes, carpet, and other materials.
Why Did I Find A Cluster Of Ladybugs Around My Home?
The ladybug meets the criteria to be classified an “overwintering pest.” Overwintering is similar to hibernation. The ladybug enters hibernation in late fall or early winter, more often the former than the latter. As an overwintering pest, the ladybug sets out with the goal to be alive at the end of winter. To ensure they reach this goal, the ladybug needs a safe, warm, and discrete hiding place, preferably in your home. This is why ladybugs can be seen hanging around homes, sheds, garages, and businesses. What are the ladybugs doing when they are hanging around your home? They are waiting for the right opportunity to enter your home.
Ladybugs utilize access points to discretely enter homes. A ladybug access point can be something as small as an old nail hole or as large as an open window.
Does My Family Need To Be Concerned About Ladybug Diseases?
No, ladybugs do not carry diseases. The most problematic thing about the ladybug is its pyridine secretion. As previously mentioned, ladybugs secrete a secretion that is difficult to forget, thanks to its foul odor and staining capabilities. Pyridine secretion can be found in areas, where the ladybug has been.
Upon entering the home, the ladybug will immediately begin to search for a hiding place. Not just any hiding place. To ensure the highest level of safety throughout the winter, the hiding place must be warm, dark, warm, and discrete. Ladybugs will hide inside unused clothes, furniture, and shoes. They will also hide inside undisturbed storage boxes.
How Do I Eradicate A Cluster Of Ladybugs?
Ladybugs cluster together to ensure a higher level of safety. When a ladybug is among a cluster of ladybugs, it is safer than being alone. While clustering is helpful for ladybugs, it is not ideal for property owners. Eradicating a single ladybug is as simple as suctioning the insect up into a vacuum cleaner. Eradicating a cluster of ladybugs will most often require a professional intervention like our ladybug management service.
Once the ladybugs find a hiding place, they will remain there throughout the winter in most cases. On a sunny summer day, the insects may emerge from hiding out of confusion. The warm temperatures may be enough to drive the insects out of hiding, even though the season is still winter.
We recommend pesticides and traps for severe ladybug infestations. Traps alone may be enough to take care of a few ladybugs, but not an infestation.
Do Over-The-Counter Insecticides Eradicate Ladybugs?
Many property owners will opt to go the DIY pest control route before calling in a professional. There is always the concern of an additional expense related to professional pest management services. Over-the-counter pest control products are effective in mild cases.
Ladybugs are unlike cockroaches and bed bugs the ladybug will come and go. This overwintering pest just wants to borrow your home throughout the winter season. Once winter is over, the insects will emerge from hiding and fly away.
When Should I Expect The Exterminator To Arrive?
We will dispatch a pest control expert to your home within 24 and 48 hours of your initial service request.
Are Ladybug Insecticides Harmful?
Not when they are applied per the manufacturer’s recommendations.
How To Avoid Future Ladybug Problems?
Keep windows and doors closed or utilize screens to cover the openings. Seal all potential access points with waterproof caulk or foam insulation. Teach your family about ladybugs – how to identify the insect, how to prevent a ladybug infestation, and how to treat ladybug infestation.
If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.