Overwintering Pests

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Consumers in our areas regularly run into overwintering pests. The good news is that these pests do not enter residential structures in spring and summer. Instead, you primarily have to worry about these pests in late fall and winter. You can always count on us to resolve your overwintering pest problem.

Which Overwintering Pests You’ll Encounter

You’ll likely encounter several types of overwintering pests. The most common in your area will be found below.

Boxelder Bugs

First, you’re going to encounter boxelder bugs. During the summer months, they’re going to target your garden. They’ll become a major nuisance during the cold, winter months. As the temperatures drop, these pests are going to seek shelter in your home. Once they’ve invaded your home, they’re going to stay put until the temperatures rise. They cannot tolerate extremely cold temperatures. If they get stuck outside, they’ll likely die.

Boxelder bugs generally reach half an inch in length. They’re black with distinctive red marks on their wings. These overwintering pests are not dangerous.


Our clients regularly encounter ladybugs. They are usually orange or scarlet. When they find a way to enter your home, they’ll sneak inside and stay there. They’re not going to leave your home until the temperatures increase. Although some ladybugs can nip, they’re not going to hurt you.

Cluster Flies

You’re likely going to encounter cluster flies. These pests start as parasites. The parasite is found in earthworms. Once they transform into larvae, they’re going to begin living outside. Cluster flies do not enjoy cold weather. When it gets cold, they’re going to find someplace to stay warm. They can hide in your home and elsewhere. One thing you must remember is that they’re called cluster flies for a reason. They tend to cluster together. They can be found behind wood planks and tree bark.

When they’re ready to leave, there will be countless cluster flies leaving your home.

Pine Seed Bugs

Leaf-footed pine seed bugs are overwintering pests in our area. They’re large bugs with some reaching three-quarters of an inch. They have a dull brown body. During warm weather, leaf-footed pine seed bugs will eat pinecones and their seeds. The adults will try to sneak into your home when it gets cold. They can easily slip through small holes and gaps.

If they’re hiding in your home, you’ll know it when it gets hot. The pests are so large that you won’t be able to ignore them. In fact, their presence is going to frighten you. Don’t worry though. These pests aren’t going to hurt you. Leave them alone and they’ll leave without harming you, your loved ones, or your pets.

Stink Bugs

Stink bugs are more common in our area than ever before. They’ve spread across the United States with the stink bug population increasing rapidly. It is essential to take steps to get rid of these pests immediately. As the name implies, stink bugs will release a foul odor. If you scare them or try to pick them up, they’ll release a stinky odor to protect themselves.

You can count on us to eliminate these pests for you. Call to get started.

Common Signs Of Overwintering Pests

It is essential to learn how to identify overwintering pests. Although this seems easy, it won’t be. The problem is that they like hiding. Once they’ve invaded your home, they’re going to find a place to hide. They’ll stay put for a long time. Generally, overwintering pests won’t leave until spring returns. Therefore, you need to find out how to identify and eliminate them. Ultimately, you should try increasing the temperature inside your home. Once your home is warm, the overwintering pests will come out of hiding. They’ll try to leave because they think it is spring or summer.

Otherwise, you’ll have to look carefully at small cracks and gaps.

Preventing Overwintering Pests

It is essential to keep overwintering pests out of your home. Doing so is much easier than trying to eliminate them later. Just remember that there is no guarantee that you’ll keep them out forever. At some point, the overwintering pests around your home may find a way to sneak inside. If this happens, call our office so we can get rid of the overwintering pests for you. Still, it is wise to use the tips below to keep overwintering pests out.

Small Holes & Openings

First, you need to do something with small holes and openings. Overwintering pests tend to enter homes using small gaps. If you can seal all gaps, you may be able to keep them out. Use caulk, insulation, and other materials to block these potential entry points.

Using A Protective Barrier Treatment

Call a professional so they can install a protective exterior barrier around your home. The professional will use high-quality, professional products designed to keep pests away. Professional materials will keep these pests away from your home for a long time. Call our office to learn more about our protective exterior barrier treatment services.

Where To Check For Openings

You must check the following spots for overwintering pests.


First and foremost, you should check the spots around your bricks. You must check the portion where your bricks are overlapped by the molding or siding. Typically, there will be a small gap here. Again, overwintering pests can slip through the smallest gaps. Therefore, you should block this entry point. Try using a durable sealant. Doing so will ensure that spiders and overwintering pests cannot climb into your home using this small hole.

Window Frames

You’ll likely find small holes and gaps around your window frames. After windows are installed, they should be caulked on the top, bottom, and sides. However, it is common for professionals to leave the bottom untouched. Caulk the bottom portion of the window to ensure overwintering pests can’t enter through this small gap.

Fascia And Clapboard

The clapboard on your home has an uneven surface. Therefore, it is likely going to create gaps. You should check around your clapboards. Make sure that the gaps here are filled. If they’re not, block the entry point using a durable foam insulating cord.


You must check all vents around your attic. You should also check soffit vents. Although they’re important for ventilation purposes, they can let pests enter your home. Make sure that the vents are protected using a durable screen. If the screen is damaged, it should be replaced immediately.

Openings For Utilities

You must remember that plumbing pipes and electrical wires are going to enter your home somewhere. They have to enter the home to ensure that you can use these utilities. The thing you must remember is that there might be small gaps here. There might be small gaps around your plumbing pipes. You should block these entry points to avoid potential infestations. Thankfully, it won’t be difficult to resolve this problem. You need to make sure that you’re blocking these entry points using the right materials.

While you could use other materials, it is best to take advantage of pot scrubbers. They’re inexpensive and easy to use. Try using older pot scrubbers because they’re flexible and easier to work with.

Materials To Use To Seal Your Home

You need to use the right materials to defend your home from overwintering pests. In general, professionals recommend defending your home using exclusion materials. They’re tough and designed for this purpose. These pest-proofing products will protect your home by keeping overwintering pests out. They can also help prevent spiders, rats, rodents, and other pests from entering your home throughout the year.

Using Sealants And Caulks

Ultimately, it is wise to use sealants and caulks to defend your home from overwintering pests. Sealants are great for sealing gaps when the surface is going to change throughout the year. Caulk should be used for surfaces that won’t change due to temperature changes.

Other Pest-Proofing Materials To Use

You’ll also want to use the following pest-proofing materials.

  • First, you should use foam insulation. Since it is flexible and long, it is best for filling long holes and gaps. While spray foam can help, it is very difficult to remove once it has fully dried.
  • Aluminum screens should be installed over tents. You can also use this screen to block other small holes.
  • If you need to block a small gap, try using a hardware cloth.
  • When dealing with small holes and gaps, pot scrubbers can help.

Call our office for more assistance pest-proofing your home.

If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.

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Overwintering Pest (Cluster Flies)